Here are three free and totally different types of music sites on the web. Download the one you like the best, or all three as I have done.
Pandora allows you to play music just like you like. Start out with a song or artist that you enjoy. Pandora will play that artist, plus will mix in similar songs or artists. You indicate how you like the selection, and the music gradually is tailored to your tastes. You can create additional "stations" to fit your changing moods.
Radio Paradise is more of a conventional radio station. The music is mellow and varied. A playlist is included. You will hear a disc jockey occasionally, but otherwise there is no advertising or interruption between songs. This site is just click and go; no listener involvement necessary. If you wish, you can join as a member, chat, comment, etc. The "LRC" tab enables one to rate a song and to upload songs, though it appears not all songs played can be uploaded. makes full use of the latest technologies to bring music to the listener tailored to his or her tastes. The site makes use of "cloud tags" and monitoring techniques. You can see what is the most popular type of music, the most popular songs, tracks, artists, albums etc. Or, you can just listen to music after picking the genres you favor. Similar to Pandora, the station will gradually learn what you like best, and tailor itself to your tastes.
Best of all, these three sites are free, although you will be asked to join. So check them out, and if you decide to utilize any of them, consider the site my gift to you this Christmas.